After a total of 5 semesters, my time at Dona Ana Community College is coming to an end. Sure it had its ups and downs (missing important deadlines) but in retrospect it has been one of the most developmental stages of my life.
I started at DACC in the Spring of 2014 after taking a semester off of school to decompress and work. Since then, I have joined the Debug Computer Club, was an intern for the computer support staff at the East Mesa campus, and was able to very much network professionally.
What are my Plans for the Future?
Well I’m currently in the middle of the admission process at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). I plan to enter the College of Engineering for a degree in Computer Science. I also hope to get a job or internship from within the engineering department so I can better grow my skills in the field.
After getting my Bachelor’s I plan on staying at UTEP for a Master’s degree in Software Engineering while also working. This would greatly improve the types of jobs I’ll be able to get in the future. Ideally I would want to stay in the El Paso and Las Cruces area, so I’m hoping these degrees will allow me to do that while also having a well paid job.
Would I Recommend Community College?
I would definitely advise anyone reading this to start out at a community college that has easily transferrable credits. Community college is drastically cheaper per class (DACC gives you any classes after 12 credit hours free).
Also, it’s a great way to get back into the school process, especially if you had taken a certain time off of school like me. This way you get somewhat of a breather so you don’t become one of those people that gets overwhelmed and burned out.
Finally, most community college courses have a max of around 24 people. This student-to-teacher ratio allows you to have any questions that you may have answered, which is practically unheard of when you’re in a lecture hall with hundreds of other people.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, it was quite the pleasure attending DACC for the time I was able to. Each semester I met new and interesting people. Whether it be fellow students or even staff, I really feel like I was able to connect with people that I may not have had the chance to meet otherwise
I honestly believe that attending DACC was one of the best decisions I could have made. Especially coming out of a period of my life where I had just recently graduated high school. I had no real direction. I mean, I was working part time but I was still pretty inconsistent in what I exactly wanted to do with my life.
DACC allowed me to fully realize that I wanted to be in web development and really helped me grow as an individual. I know believe that I have the toolset that I need to not only be a better person but also be an effective university student.
I can’t wait for the future, and I hope each and every one of you can’t either.
Stay safe, have fun, and always learn.